Alas it is the end of my sabbatical. 2 months off of work. In less than 12 hours I will be returning to work. Since I returned from the road trip with Lauren we spent the majority of our time laying down the wood laminate flooring and painting. Almost done with the house. Just have to finish a few rows in the living room and then the kitchen. Besides that I went to jits a bunch and finished off with a trip to prarie city with John and Soroush and finally tonight I enjoyed a beer while watching "funny people."
So here is the sabbatical recap...
Layed lots of laminate flooring
Went dirt biking twice
Visited ireland - Jameson and Guinness factories.
Visited Spain - Madrid, Zaragosa, Barcelona. Ran with the bulls and survived.
Visited France - lots of little towns. Watched 6 stages of TDF.
Visited Andorra - yeah, Andorra. saw some TDF there
US road trip - Bryce, Zion, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Arches, Hoover Dam, Vegas, Salt Lake, Denver,Grand Canyon, Dead Horse Canyon, mountain biked Moab in the rain. New Belgium brewery tour, Coors brewery tour, stopped by Snake River and Moab breweries.
Saw the parents for a few days in sacramento and then took then to tahoe and ruths chris.
All in all I cannot complain one bit. Perhaps the best 2 months of my life in many many years. I am so grateful to have had that opportunity. I can't believe 2 montsh is over and that I have been at Intel for 7 years. What a crazy ride. Thanks to my parents for coming out and watching George, Lisa for letting Jeff go to Europe, Jeff for planning and going to Europe, Lauren for planning a great US road trip, and of course George for dealing with the home construction and me being gone.
Ok, time for me to go to bed, gotta get up early and go to work after all. Only 6 years and 9 months til the next instalment of tour de sabbatical.
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